Saturday, November 6, 2010

America's Neutrality Questions (Continued - pg 8-10)

1) List four principles of the fourteen points. Which of the fourteen points did Wilson think was most important?

     The four principles were to eliminate secret treaties (the main causes of war) through open diplomacy, secure freedom of the seas, develop free-trade, and encourage disarmament. Wilson believed that the most important point was the last, which called for a "general association of nations".

2) List three types of anti-German propaganda used by the U.S. during the war.

     The "Americanization" of immigrants was spread as an idea that would change public (immigrant) views of the U.S. for the better; they sent out pamphlets in foreign languages that told immigrants why they should support the U.S. The Wilson administration passed the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 which, combined, took away many rights of the people by outlawing expressions of anti-war and pro-German views. Also, the Committee on Public Information was created by Wilson.

3) What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?

     The C.P.I. was created to promote the war domestically and shape information of the war into something that would cause as much support as possible for the war.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

America's Neutrality Pg 4-9 Questions

1) What was president Wilson's initial stance towards U.S. involvement in the war?

     Wilson believed that America should "act as a model to the rest of the world," and remain out of the conflict. He maintained that the U.S. should remain neutral in this conflict and let the European nations go at it.

2) Why was it difficult to maintain neutrality?

     Germany was attacking both British and American vessels as a result of the British flying U.S. flags for stealth. This led to the sinking of the Lusitania, which sent ripples of hatred and anger through the public. This strong push for war made it hard for Wilson to keep the U.S. out of the war.

3) After the Lusitania sank, two groups of people criticized President Wilson's actions. Who were they, and what problems did they see with his actions?

     One group was the "Pro War" group which was pushing Wilson to go to war with Germany and criticizing his decision to stay neutral. The other group was the "Anti War" group which wanted Wilson to stay out of European Wars. They criticized his decision to allow Americans to go into war territory, saying that it would inevitably drag America into war.

4) What two actions did Germany take which led Wilson to declare war?

     1 - Germany announced that it was resuming unrestricted submarine warfare. This violated the agreement that Germany had with the U.S. and caused Wilson to cease diplomatic relations with Germany and arm merchant ships, in constant threat of German attack.

     2 - Germany also promised to return Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico if it joined the war on Germany's side.