Monday, October 25, 2010

Progressive Era Packet Questions

1) What role did President Roosevelt want the federal government to serve?

     President Roosevelt wanted the federal government to involve itself more in business affairs and national concerns such as the progressives and their goal of eliminating harsh working conditions and giving more power to the workers instead of letting the big business owners control society.

2) What reforms were achieved during Roosevelt's presidency?

     Roosevelt used antitrust laws to eliminate the abuse of the public through trusts occurring in the railroad, meatpacking, and oil companies. He also helped to get the Hepburn Act passed, which gave the ICC more authority to set railroad freight and storage rates. However, it also gave courts the authority to overrule the set rates. Roosevelt supported the Meat Inspection Act which required that government agents monitor the quality of processed meat. Finally, he also supported the Pure Food and Drug Act that prohibited dangerously adulterated foods and addressed abuses in the patent medicine industry.

3) How did Roosevelt handle the 1902 United Mine Workers' Strike? How did this illustrate his stance toward unions?

     He forced the mining company to recognize the union and accept arbitration of the dispute by a special commission. This illustrated the side of Roosevelt's belief that there are legitimate labor demands that should be recognized and met by the employer. However, this does not show the other side of his belief which is that there are also illegitimate/inappropriate labor demands that the President and/or federal government should put down.

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